On July 1, 1950 Camp Big Horn openned in its current location. Only 3 troops attended the first 2 weeks. Most other troops were at the National Jamboree, Camp Pepperdine or on the Silver Mocassin Trail. However, on July 15th, 7 toops with 160 Scouts and 12 leaders arrived.
In early 1951 Jackson Lake at the original Camp Pepperdine sprung a leak, making camping impossible. So Camp Big Horn was quickly expanded to fill the demand. That year 3600 Scouters attended Camp Big Horn.
Camp Rim of the World openned in 1952. It was originally planned to be at Camp O-Ongo on Rim of the World Highway. However, a right of way issue that would have given the camp access to Camp Big Horn forced the plans to be scrapped. So Camp Rim of the World was built on the uphill portion of Camp Big Horn. It remained open for 2 years.
Outpost was a pack mule excursion from Camp Big Horn into the Holcolm Valley. This camping opportunity lasted from 1952 until 1954.